The place where Rugged Bored Apes hang out to dry.
Rugged Bored Apes is a collection of 1000 unique NFTs - built through REDEMPTION and REVENGE, from those who set to deceive and destroy. The ORIGIN OF A FIERCE COMMUNITY, out to take back control from those from who stole from them, RECREATING THESE APES FROM THE ORIGINAL ARTWORK driving this collection to a successful foundation. THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT IN RUGGEDSVILLE.. the FUTURE will be REDEEMED.
Rugged Bored Apes is a community that was formed AFTER THE RUGGING of the Lazy Bored Apes collection and formed BEFORE the GETAWAY of the ORIGINAL SCAMMERS. We quickly banded together and created a direction to REPURPOSE THE NFTs that were bought by unsuspecting people/apes. That WE OWN.
Being one of the first NFT communities to RE_USE, REPURPOSE and REDEEM THE ARTWORK of a rugged collection.
This unprecedented project will allow the original Lazy Bored Apes owners to REDEEM their CLONES on a NEW CONTRACT 1:1, REGAINING their SENSE OF PURPOSE as NFT's and providing SECURITY that this NFT NO LONGER has associations with the LBA contract. FURTHER SECURITY in that WHAT WAS PROMISED by the original team, WILL BE DELIVERED and some way to GIVE BACK TO HOLDERS through the DAO.
If you think you can offer value through experience in NFT Visual Development and Contracts let the team know
Onwards to Ruggedsville! RBA.
To find out more:
tHe gRaND reMINT

Welcome to the reMINT
Connect your wallet below if you haven't done so already.
Once you have done this you should see how many accepted "Rugged" NFT project collectibles you have in your wallet and their images below that.
Click to select any supported "Rugged" NFT you own which you would like to reMINT right now.
(multi-select acceptable in a single transaction)
There are 3 stages, the button text will change to reflect each.
Step 1: Connect your wallet containing your "Rugged" NFT's
(opens Metamask, no gas fee)
Step 2: Click Approve, to give the contract access to your "Rugged" NFT's.
(opens Metamask, tiny gas fee, max $5, don't pay more)
Step 3: Click Mint RBA, to reMint your count of selected RBAs at the estimated mint price given.
(opens Metamask, gas fee)
Which is Free + gas for LBA holders